
Roasted celeriac with mixed salad and walnut/noble cheese sauce

It is not often i make a complete vegetarian dinner, but this one is amazing. A real gourmet dinner AND vegetarian. For my part it has been a long time since I had such nice and well-adapted flavors in my mouth.

In the previous week’s weekly planning, we were eager to try something new and had seen something with roasted celeriac swishing by on social media.

Therefore, we decided that for friday night dinner it would be oven roasted celeriac with mixed salad a walnut gremolata and a cold stir on mixed noble cheese, crème fraiche, walnuts, chives, lemon zest, salt and pepper.

The timeconsuming part is the time it takes to roast the celery in its full entity in the oven. Expect 2 hours at 180 degrees celcius, but afterwards the rest is quickly fixed.

Ingredients for 2 persons come here:

  • An entire celeriac
  • 75g butter
  • 100g walnuts (Lightly roasted and roughly ground afterwards)
  • 50 – 70g noble cheese (depending on how much taste you want from it)
  • Approximately 1 dl crème fraiche
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp finely chopped chives
  • Salt & Pepper
  • 1 small bag of mixed salad preferably with rosé salad in

Here’s what to do:

  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celcius
  • Peel the outer brown from the celeriac
  • Season the the celeriac with salt and pepper and place it in an ovenproof dish
  • Place the butter on top of the celery and place in the oven for about 2 hours
  • Once every half hour, open the oven door and pour the melted butter in the ovenproof dish upon the celery, both of which gets darker and darker
  • While the celery is in the oven, fix all the other stuff
  • Roast half of the walnuts in a dry pan and chop or roughly mix to serve
  • Stir together the rest of the walnuts, noble cheese, Creme Fraiche, lemon zest, chives and water

When serving :

Place the salad on the plate and drooze over the walnut gremolata. then drizzle over the cold sauce.

Remove the celery from the oven and divide it into 8 pieces. take 3-4 pieces on each salad-covered plate and drizzle even here over cold sauce and walnutgremolata.

Serve and enjoy.

If you feel that vegetarian stuff isn’t really your thing, I’m sure this also works great in a smaller portion together with a nice piece of grilled meat.

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