Food for thought

Sometimes the bulb lightens a little extra and those very moments when the hair rise all over your body and new insights appear is absolutely amazing.

Following lectures at TED talk are probably among the things that have touched me the most of all the programs I have watched (and I often and happily consume TED talks). They are all different and touch on different topics, but common to all of them was that I was left with goosebumps and further interesting pieces of the puzzle to understand myself, my loved ones and how we can all act to live a healthy and harmonious life.

A brief summary of my learnings:

How not to be ignorant about the world: A brief introduction to the book Factfulness, that I think everyone should read.

The best gift…: How I can always find the positive in something no matter how dark it is. Nothing is so bad that it’s not good for anything.

Inside the mind of a procrastinator : Make sure that what you do has value and that you don’t just make time pass (and now I understand why I haven’t done it so far)

How boredom can lead to the most brilliant ideas: Put your phone down once i a while and connect with yourself instead. I recommend that you see this with your kids. A real wake-up call.

What is so special about the human brain. The outermost layer of our brain is what sets us apart from all the other animals we know about on Earth. Here we get a scientific explanation of how we came to actually develop this and why. (and also why we need to cook the food and can’t cope long-term on raw food)

How our microbes make us who we are – self-explanatory title. Really interesting explained and shown and goes into how the microbiome is distributed in the individual and can control our health and behavior.

Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong- An interesting perspective on how we are social beings and how isolation and loneliness are one of our biggest social problems today.

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