
Pork filé Tournedós with Italian flavors

This is excellent as meal when you have guests or if you want to treat yourself with that little extra.

If you enjoy italian flavors this pork fillet tournedos with Italian flavors of pesto, tomato and mozzarella is a good treat. To the meat we served a rosé pepper sauce and roasted cauliflower.

The food is quite simple to make, just follow the instruction here. Expect it to take approx. 60 minutes to prepare if you make a quick version of pesto.

Ingredients for 5 servings:

  • 2 pork fillets
  • 160 grams of prosciutto
  • 250g buffalo mozzarella
  • 2 tomatoes thinly sliced
  • 1 batch of pesto (recipes are available here – both a simple variant that only takes 2 minutes and the traditional one where you chop everything by hand)
  • 1 cauliflower
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 3 tbsp rose pepper
  • A small onion
  • 4 dl of full fat cream
  • 1 dl bone broth (or stock cube if you don’t have broth)
  • Super Salt, Pepper
  • butter to fry in
  1. Start by setting the oven to 175 degrees celcius hot air.
  2. Rinse the pork fillets
  3. season with salt and pepper and fry the meat lightly on all sides with butter in a frying pan
  4. Wrap the fillets in the ham before placing them in an ovenproof dish.
  5. Place the ham wrapped fillet in the oven for about 25 minutes. Keep an eye on the temperature -If you have a meat thermometer, take the meat out of the oven when it reaches 58 degrees celcius
  6. While the meat is in the oven, prepare the other items
  7. Chop the onion finely and mortar the rosé peppar
  8. Fry the onion with butter in a pan – just till it gets shiny but not brown
  9. Add the rose peppar and let it sizzle for a short while with the onion
  10. Add cream and broth and let the sauce boil on a low temperature until the rest of the food is ready
  11. Fix the pesto – WITHOUT OLIVE OIL
  12. Slice the tomatoes into about 0.5 cm slices
  13. Slice the mozzarella into 0.5-1 cm slices
  14. Divide the cauliflower into small bouquets and slice the garlic thinly
  15. Take the meatout of the oven when it reaches 58 degrees celcius and place on a cutting board. Raise the oven temperature to 225 degrees celcius
  16. Cut 4cm thick medallions of the fillets and place the cut surface upwards in the ovenproof dish
  17. Place a click of pesto on each medallion
  18. Place a slice of tomato on top
  19. And finish with a slice of mozzarella
  20. Place the meat back in the oven for 5-6 minutes or until the mozzarella melts and gets a little colour
  21. Meanwhile, fry the garlic in butter in a frying pan and add the cauliflower bouquets to sizzle for a couple of minutes while stirring. add plenty of salt
  22. If there is pesto left over from the meat preparation – mix in olive oil and serve as a side dish
  23. Serve the cauliflower and sauce separately
  24. Take out the meat and serve immediately.


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